
创建一个强大的员工总奖励策略,以员工的声音为中心,优先考虑员工需求的投资. Through better and more thoughtful listening, you can achieve more efficient investments, 通过提高员工的价值主张,减少人员流动率,促进倾听和关心的文化.

Create total 奖励 that deliver a great employee experience

薪酬和福利领导者正在以新的和不同的方式进行创新,以提供更好的员工体验,并为企业释放价值. 全面奖励的核心是员工的声音和对他们重要的事情的洞察力,这样全面奖励团队才能以解决方案为中心, 与客户保持一致,并通过数据和分析来支持他们的决策. 这是你作为雇主在吸引人才方面与众不同的地方, engaging and retaining an exceptional workforce.
  • More efficient investment in programs leading to greater ROI
    重新调整当前的投资,确保资金花在能带来最大价值的领域, identify wasted spend and reallocate in more leverageable areas, 包括对未来投资领域进行有效的优先排序.
  • Reduced turnover through an enhanced employee value proposition
    使员工的需求与总体奖励保持一致, differentiate from competitors, increase retention and decrease the cost of turnover.
  • A culture of listening and continued dialogue
The future of 奖励 is total 奖励, 因此,在你的员工价值主张(EVP)中探索全面的组合。. 针对不同的员工群体使用独特的保留策略,以回应他们个人最看重的东西.


  • 更好的待遇1
  • Better flexibility and work-life balance1
  • Better healthcare 好处1
  • Better retirement 好处1
  1. 美世’s 2022 Inside Employees’ Minds Study 
  2. 2023 全球 人才 Trends Pulse Survey of HR Leaders

Creating a meaningful total 奖励 strategy

It starts with understanding what employees need and value. 倾听并深入挖掘研究方法,探索的不仅仅是项目满意度, such as digital focus groups and conjoint surveys. 获得洞察力,为你的整体奖励策略提供信息,并优先考虑对你的员工有意义的奖励. 完善薪酬和福利,支持员工的幸福感,以提供积极的员工体验.

基准测试也很重要,但要在合适的时间,这样你就知道该关注哪里. Start with what employees’ value most. This will help to ensure that:

  • Employee compensation is aligned with their values.
  • The compensation plan is competitive with the market.
  • 薪酬公平 and pay transparency comply with company policies, employee expectations and local legislation.
员工认为最能减少倦怠和改善心理健康的三个方面包括:减少工作量, 加强员工援助计划(EAP),并提供心理健康应用程序. How are organizations responding? By focusing on the work, 扩大获得行为健康的机会,消除污名并转向护理. 


  1. 减少工作量
  2. Enhanced employee assistance program (EAP)
  3. Access to mental health apps

How are organizations responding?

Focusing on the work

40% say they will design work with well-being in mind (e.g. 现实的工作量,无会议的日子,减少复杂性,积极的工作环境等.)2

Expanding access behavioral health

67%的人表示他们将提供增强的EAP, 62%的人表示他们正在增加在线资源(应用程序), 文章, 类, 等.)3

Destigmatizing and steering to care

35%的公司计划提供经理培训,26%的公司表示将提供员工培训,and 25% say they are conducting a 沟通s campaign.

2024 全球 人才 Trends

今年的趋势确定了领先组织在构建更敏捷和可持续的人员实践方面的不同之处,这些实践将使企业受益, workforces and societies to thrive for years to come.

Putting it all together

通过提供丰厚而有意义的总奖励,让你的公司成为一个伟大的工作场所. 用正确的研究方法倾听,获得可操作的见解并采取行动. You don’t need to go it alone. 美世 is here to help.
  • Employee 奖励

    A new shape of work is rapidly unfolding. Employee needs and expectations are expanding. 你是否听取了提供正确奖励和激励的重要事项?
  • Total 奖励 optimization

    有助于吸引, 激励, 参与, 并留住你需要的员工,通过全面的奖励优化来推动预期的结果.
  • 补偿 and 收益数据

    使用数据来制定薪酬和福利策略,并制定与目标一致的基准, talent strategy and business goals.
  • Employee value propositions

    Measure and enhance the employee experience, 获得的见解, unlock performance and create a compelling value proposition.
  • Employee listening

    Measure and enhance the employee experience, 获得的见解, 通过倾听员工的心声来释放绩效,并赋予组织力量.
  • PayAI®

    You don’t need to settle for outdated pay processes. 有了美世的PayAI,你可以做出数据驱动的薪酬决策,从而推动公司的成功.
  • 薪酬公平

    Review and resolve pay inequities, 降低风险, increase diversity, and drive organizational success with our comprehensive, objective and efficient global methodology.
  • 人才 All Access Platform

    人才 All Access®Portal+ (TAAP+)是一个基于订阅的平台,可让您快速方便地访问所需数据,帮助您的组织走向成功.


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